Tentang Kami

The Wordsmith Group menyediakan layanan tenaga profesional ahli dan bersertifikasi yang memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun. Dengan visi membawa manfaat bagi usaha dan kemanusiaan, layanan utama dan layanan lain kami bertujuan untuk memperkaya pengetahuan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi.

Bekerja dengan integritas, efisiensi, dan fokus pada detail adalah cara kami untuk menjadi penyedia solusi bahasa yang andal dan tepercaya. Kami dapat membantu ketika Anda harus berpacu dengan waktu untuk mencari kata-kata yang tepat. Kami menyadari bahwa hasil yang tepat sedari awal sangatlah penting. Berdasarkan pengalaman kami, ini adalah prioritas seluruh kegiatan usaha, baik di bidang perniagaan maupun di lembaga pemerintahan dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat.

“A language is everything you do.”

– Margaret Atwood

Solusi Kami

Kami menyediakan jasa penutur asli untuk bahasa-bahasa berikut:

  • Bahasa Arab
  • Bahasa Inggris
  • Bahasa Perancis
  • Bahasa Jepang
  • Bahasa Thailand
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Mandarin
  • Bahasa Jerman
  • Bahasa Korea
  • Bahasa Urdu
  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • Bahasa Belanda
  • Bahasa Italia
  • Bahasa Spanyol

Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan bahasa lain, silakan hubungi kami.

Kami mengkhususkan diri di bidang-bidang berikut:

  • Bisnis
  • Lingkungan Hidup
  • Pemerintahan
  • Investasi
  • Minyak dan Gas
  • Pembangunan
  • Keuangan
  • Kesehatan
  • Hukum dan Bidang Terkait
  • Properti
  • Pendidikan
  • Makanan & Minuman
  • Perhotelan
  • Gaya Hidup
  • Ritel

“Mastery of language affords one remarkable opportunities.”

– Alexandre Dumas


Bersama The Wordsmith Group, anggap pekerjaan Anda telah selesai.

Layanan terpadu

untuk kemudahan pengelolaan

Sistem pengendalian mutu terpadu

untuk memastikan kualitas yang konsisten

Waktu penyelesaian singkat

untuk membantu Anda memberikan layanan yang lebih cepat kepada klien Anda

Harga terjangkau

Penutur asli bersertifikasi

yang berkeahlian dan berkualitas tinggi

Memastikan keakuratan hasil terjemahan dan kepekaan

nuansa bahasa

Kerahasiaan terjamin

Portofolio Kami

Here is an overview of our service offerings, all of which are guided by our commitment to using the power of the best craftsmanship and quality.
For a complete portfolio, please email info@wordsmithgroup.com with your inquiry.

Klien Kami

Kami bangga telah melayani klien-klien terkemuka, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Berikut adalah beberapa klien dan mitra kami.

Testimonial Klien

Apa kata klien tentang layanan kami

We have been using their services to translate and/or edit our documents as well as interpret at our events for the past 3 years and have always been completely satisfied. Wordsmith Group can provide satisfactory service on every side we need, the results of the work, the ease of the ordering process, the efficiency of the administration process.

– Firda Astriyani, Office Manager, World Resources Institute Indonesia


The ESG Training conducted by Wordsmith Group for IFG provided me with valuable insights into the role of leadership in ESG implementation, the identification of ESG-related issues, particularly environmental ones, in corporate program planning, and the integration of ESG principles into corporate investments.

Resky Dennis V. Bansaleng, Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility Manager, IFG Life


The POJK-based Sustainability Report writing training organized by Wordsmith Group was the most useful training we’ve attended thus far. The explanations provided by the trainer, Mrs. Rory Ratnawati, were easy to understand and implement. This training is highly recommended for those who want to learn how to write effective Sustainability Reports.

– Nandalita Alifia, PT Properindo Enviro Tech


Overall, we have a good communication and we can finish the work on-time

– Jimmy Johan, CHUBB Life Insurance Indonesia

The whole team went above and beyond to be prepared for the interpretation of difficult technical materials, and were flexible in the face of the various demands and requirements we had for our event.

– Kevin Drouin – Program Officer CityNet

It is a great pleasure to professionally and personally recommend Wordsmith, best copywriter ever! Wish you all the best Wordsmith! Definitely looking forward to our cooperation on the next awesome project.

– Henny Hariani, Communication Specialist, BVM Digital

WSG is a professional and reliable company. We’re satisfied working with them.

– Nunung Nurhayati, Office and GA Manager, Omnicom Media Group

The Wordsmith group is very reliable. The portfolio of the translators are very superb, makes me happy with the result.

– Nisa Imanda, Account Manager, Suit Media

The Wordsmith Group’s service has already proven to me to be really reliable and right on time for deadlines.

– Novy Davita, Boilinkroom Creative Agency

I can rely on the Wordsmith Group to get my editing project done.

– Nanda F. Moenandar, Communication & PR Officer, ASEAN Centre for Energy

I give 8 out of 10 for the high quality work the Wordsmith Group provides us.

– Lucy Sesanto, Business Director PT Haldin Pacific Semesta

We know the Wordsmith Group from our colleague. They offer reliable service and very good quality of work. They also very responsive.

– Fanny Kimeliana, Co-Founder & CMO PT Vocatio Trikanca Ciptamukti

At redBus, we have had the pleasure of working with the Wordsmith for our Bahasa copywriting and translation needs. Over the past four years, our collaboration has been nothing short of exceptional!

– Laxmi Tiwari Senior Content Executive | Digital Marketing, S.E.A Redbus India Private Limited


The reputation of Wordsmith Group is reflected in their ongoing experience of handling Annual Reports since 2014, as well as in the list of clients they are currently managing. We are confident in choosing them to work on our BCAS Annual Report to ensure it is completed smoothly and on time

– Nadia Amalia, Sekretaris Perusahaan BCA Syariah

We have been using their services to translate and/or edit our legal and ordinary documents as well as interpret at our events for the past 7 (seven) years and Wordsmith Group has been doing great on their services with a broad range of expertise as well.

– Ares Uly, Operations Director, Conservation International Indonesia

We have been using their services to translate and/or edit our documents for the past few years and have always been completely satisfied. They have always been reliable when delivering services and articulate in every communication.



“Language is worth a thousand pounds a word!”

– Lewis Carroll

Meet the Team

Tim Wordsmith Group terdiri dari individu-individu tepercaya dan berkomitmen yang selalu siap membantu Anda.


Dengan tim yang berpengalaman dan mahir di bidang bahasa, kami memiliki layanan yang lengkap untuk semua kebutuhan kebahasaan anda. Tim kami berasal dari berbagai latar belakang, seperti hukum, keuangan, sastra, gaya hidup, politik, jurnalisme, hubungan masyarakat, periklanan, juga akademis.

Yang menyatukan kami adalah kecintaan kami kepada bahasa dan kepuasan kami dalam memberikan dan melayani solusi kebahasaan.

Antonia Patricia Translation Supervisor & Editor

Yendi Amalia


Iskandar Julkarnaen

General Manager

Lucia Aryani

Project Manager

Nurkinanti Laraskusuma

Senior Copy Editor

Antonia Patricia Translation Supervisor & Editor

Sarah Tobing

Copy Editor

Noviyanti Sugita

Senior Translator & Interpreter

M Yesa Aravena

Senior Translator & Interpreter

Farah Diena Rahmania


Jasa penerjemahan, interpreter, penulisan berbagai konten/laporan/manuskrip, dan jasa terkait lainnya, Wordsmith Group siap membantu Anda!

Hubungi Wordsmith Group dengan inquiry Anda!

“An artist cannot do anything slovenly.”

– Jane Austen

Hubungi Kami!

Siap memulai proyek berikutnya bersama kami? Kontak kami melalui telepon atau surel dan akan kami jawab sesegera mungkin!

Hubungi Kami

PT Tiga Rekan Internasional
(Wordsmith Group)

Menara Rajawali Level 7-1
Jl. DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Lot. 5.1
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan
Indonesia 12950

Kirim Pesan

@ Hak Cipta 2021 Wordsmith Group.